Practice-oriented learning with blended learning

Theory and practice - a wide field!?

In order to avoid the large organizational effort that face-to-face teaching entails, various federal states have opted for the increased use of e-learning software. In this context, the focus is on practice-oriented learning through the blended learning approach.

In our opinion, blended learning is the most effective approach for practice-oriented education and training. Introducing new software alone is not enough. Why don't we simply leverage the advantages of classroom training while reducing the disadvantages, especially the time and location commitment of participants and the need for local resources? Practically a learning without limits.

Quite simply: because many don't know how to do it!

One thing is certain - fine-tuning the right mix of on-site and online strategies takes a lot of effort. 

But the resulting learning experience can lead to the most effective form of learning: self-directed, hands-on learning through blended learning.

To achieve this, it is essential to evaluate needs and skill levels in advance to guarantee effective learning. 

Companies can benefit from schools and schools can benefit from companies.


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Talent Experience Plattformenen betrachten den Lebenszyklus der Mitarbeiter in einem Unternehmen und fördern diese gezielt hin zur Fachkraft.

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Die Mitarbeiterentwicklung ist der Schlüssel zur Verbesserung des Wissens, der Kompetenzen und der Fähigkeiten eines Mitarbeitenden. Gezielte Personalentwicklung verringert zusätzlich die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Mitarbeiterfluktuation.

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