Artificial intelligence - what is it and what is it not?

What are your expectations for artificial intelligence?

Our perception of artificial intelligence is mostly shaped by the media. We rely on fictional stories or see AI as an efficient substitute for human labor. This creates the idea of a human-versus-robot scenario in our minds.

But what is the essential difference between humans and machines? Artificial intelligence offers a high degree of precision and specialization, while humans have common sense and broad contextual knowledge. On top of that, there are emotional and cognitive capabilities. So we see that humans and machines need to complement each other to work together effectively.

Today, AI is not yet a science fiction technology without human performance. It is only ever as intelligent as the data it is fed - by us as humans.

Artificial intelligence can add significant value to your business, too. Contact us for an exchange!


We are experts and specialists in the areas of digital platform realization, app development, AI, augmented reality, cloud services, Big Data and Blockchain.


By continuously developing our core competencies, we guarantee tomorrow's solutions as a technology partner for agencies, companies and startups.



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Die Mitarbeiterentwicklung ist der Schlüssel zur Verbesserung des Wissens, der Kompetenzen und der Fähigkeiten eines Mitarbeitenden. Gezielte Personalentwicklung verringert zusätzlich die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Mitarbeiterfluktuation.

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